1047 - Clemens II, [Suitger], Pope (1046-47), dies

Famous Deaths on this Day in History

ClemensIIClement II, real name Suidger, Earl of Morsleben and Hornburg, (* 1005 in Hornburg, Lower Saxony, † October 9 1047 at S. Tommaso at Aposella at Pesaro) was a German pope of 1046 to 1047th Seine Namenswahl nach dem heiligen Papst Clemens I. (1. Jahrhundert) war bereits ein Signal, welches seine Reformabsichten anzeigte: zurück zu den Ursprüngen der Kirche am Anfang der Zeiten. His choice of name for the Holy Pope Clement I (1. century AD) was already a signal, which announced his reform plans: back to the origins of the church at the beginning of time.

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